Prioritizing patient dignity and a wholistic-health journey.
From patient rooms that support the healing process, to community clinics promoting long-term public health—our work advances health equity for people who need it most.
Working closely with community health partners, care providers, and patients, our healthcare strategists harness the power of design to deliver human-centered solutions that promote holistic health.

Advancing Health Equity
Expanding health equity requires a deep understanding of the current barriers that limit access to care, while also addressing the unique priorities of each community. Leveraging connectivity and resource networks, we design spaces that offer patients a comprehensive range of medical, social, and mental health services.

People-Centered Design
Lived experiences not only inform our understanding of human health and wellness needs, they guide how we design for them. We combine the latest evidence-based practices with our professional and personal insights to create therapeutic environments for patients and their families.
Working collaboratively with clinicians and staff members, we create optimal workspaces and calming respite areas, supporting providers in delivering the quality care that patients deserve.
Healthcare Projects

Healthcare Projects

Healthcare Projects

Healthcare Projects