Situated in a historic suburb of Columbus, Ohio, Windemere Elementary serves as an inviting learning environment for the 21st century.
Committed to educational excellence and encouraging innovation, the new elementary school serves as a prototype for future schools in the district.
The interconnected layout inherently promotes flexible instruction and enhances learning across all grades. Within these layouts, modular furniture is included for different configurations that allow students to discover their ideal learning environment.
Learning Neighborhoods
The modern two-story structure houses six learning neighborhoods that directly respond to the school’s unique curriculum. These neighborhoods are organized across both levels in a pinwheel configuration that surrounds the central media center atrium.
Each neighborhood contains four studio classrooms that allow students to circulate between the collaborative common spaces and the independent study rooms. Separated from the media center by transparent glass, the double-height dining commons transforms seamlessly into an event space for faculty, students, and visitors alike and satisfies the district’s goal of an innovative, inviting learning environment.