A new athletic experience with a sense of place.
Situated at the cross roads of a busy intersection the updated building is a gateway to the main campus. Once greeted by a blank brick wall, the repositioned building boasts an inviting and transparent identity, creating an open, dynamic and energized atmosphere to reflect the active program of the building.
Healthy building, healthy people
The wellness-centered program generated a desire to maximize fresh air movement – allowing the facility to breathe. The main entry courtyard embodies a shaded microclimate, to allow the hybrid ventilation systems to draw cooler air through the facility on ideal spring and fall days.
When outside conditions are appropriate, outside air is drawn directly into key fitness spaces through the automated operable windows along the façade and through the pre-cooled outside vegetated atrium, which is then exhausted at the roof. This draws both heat and moisture up and away from exercising occupants.
Approachable entry
The angled nature of the building facades allows the building to gracefully pull away from the street to provide an engaging pedestrian plaza, as well as to establish clear way finding to the building entry. The building is centrally located and offers access to all four university bus lines.
Responsive design, smart technology and creative engineering were the keys to addressing Penn State’s aggressive energy and sustainability goals. Ventilation strategies and a high-performing façade help reduce the energy load of the building.