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Healthcare Design Magazine: Building a Sustainable Sanctuary

March 03, 2021
Healthcare Design Magazine: Building a Sustainable Sanctuary image
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Tim Fishking, FAIA and Lindsey Freel share with Healthcare Design Magazine, how the “Cleveland-based healthcare system University Hospitals (UH) wanted to develop a new Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital (UH Rainbow) outpatient facility, [and how the site chosen was] on Cleveland’s east side—one of the city’s oldest communities and one of its most vulnerable—to bring health resources to infants and mothers in the underserved area.

In a neighborhood disproportionately affected by poor air quality, reducing UH Rainbow Center’s energy consumption doesn’t just impact building performance, it also reduces atmospheric pollution and the associated health implications for area residents. At the clinic, the façade’s geometric angles are designed to reduce direct sunlight into the facility, reducing solar heat gain and energy consumption of the mechanical system. The glazing also helps create a welcoming entrance and provides street views to reinforce visibility and safety.”