Student Life
Creating spaces that ignite campus culture and inspire academic success.
From recreation facilities that foster wellbeing, to holistic housing units—we design for the student experience.
Whether living on campus or commuting, students need places that feel like home. Our design approach carefully considers the campus context, helping to streamline way finding and elevate transparency around available amenities. We prioritize the longevity of buildings and the campus culture they reinforce.
Student Life Projects
Student Life Projects
Central Piedmont Community College
Parr Center
The new student center is a hub of activity—designed to connect students to campus resources and one another.
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Student Life Projects
Texas Southern University
Student Library and Learning Center
Located in Houston's Third Ward, the iconic form catalyzes academic activity on a prominent HBCU campus.
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Student Life Projects
Rowan College
Student Success Center
The first true "hub" of student life for a commuter campus, enhancing student connectivity.
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Student Life Projects
East Tennessee State University
D.P. Culp Center
To promote connection and social engagement, the updated student center serves as a campus living room.
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